The S-Lab is a creative space for our designers, shapers, scientists, engineers and technicians to experiment with the latest materials, production techniques and shape files. This facility allows our team to research and develop in a controlled environment ensuring our products meet stringent benchmarks and quality control measures.

Physically, the S-Lab occupies more than to 4,000sqft of space in our Gold Coast head office. This facility has dedicated sectors for design, shaping, photos, film and rigorous product testing. The purpose of the S-Lab is to develop, hone and refine our products to ensure we remain at the forefront of innovation, quality control and product development within the surf industry.

The S-Lab isn't just a space; it's a reflection of our constant commitment to PROGRESSION.


The Surfboard Warehouse Research & Development facility (S*LAB) incorporates some of the world’s most renowned shapers, engineers and scientists to help develop, refine and redefine the surf industry.

With the ever increasing use of computer technology within the sport industry; The Surfboard Warehouse are leading the way in product testing by incorporating CAD design and Hydrodynamics into their research and development projects.

Through the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) we are able to simulate water flow, waves and quantify the way in which a surfboard will interact with a wave in a virtual environment with the use of our CAD prototypes.

Using CFD, it is now possible to explore the intricate behaviours and differences between models and designs to increase performance of new products before being built, and thus allowing for better designs, shorter development time and an end product that has been backed by science.

With the help of CFD technology, we are now able to support our shapers with real data to assist in the refining and evolution of their board models and ultimately provide our team riders and customers with the better performing boards.

The Surfboard Warehouse utilise the latest composites, lamination techniques and proprietary technology to ensure they are on the forefront of innovation and design.

The Research and Development team have designed several patented products such as the Ergo Handle which offers superior comfort and grip whilst transporting your stand up paddleboard. Through the use of these patents The Surfboard Warehouse is able to offer products with a real point of difference.

The Surfboard Warehouse manufacture on a large scale utilising high grade composites and the latest industrial equipment in order to ensure consistency, quality and a product that truly performs.

Through the combined experience and knowledge of Tim Beban the company owner and 2x World Champion Beau Young; The Surfboard Warehouse has been able to manufacture a unique range of affordable board designs for everyone and any skill level.

Our high grade composites are sourced from industry leaders from all over the globe; such as Bennett Blanks in Sydney, Shapers Australia on the Gold Coast and even produce our own range of quality composites used in our manufacturing facilities.

Stringent quality control measures are implemented during every stage of the manufacturing process to ensure our products meet our manufacturing guidelines.

The S-Lab uses state of the art ground breaking technology to test and examine every element of a board's construction. S-Lab Technicians complete ultrasonic not destruct tests (UNDT's), composite tests and density tests on every product allotment to ensure the highest levels of quality control.